DoctorsWAT.CH reminds you to take your medications and documents your taking
Especially if you have to take several medications during the day, DoctorsWAT.CH helps you to remember you to take your medicine at the right time. When you confirm the taking to DoctorsWAT.CH, the progess of your therapy is visualized by a growing tree.
If you cannot take your medicine due to side effects, or your medication is not available you may also confirm this to DoctorsWAT.CH
DoctorsWAT.CH documents when you have taken your medications and the reasons why you skipped. This way you can review your history anytime and also show the report to your Doctor.
As an additional feature your Doctor can check online when you have taken your medicine, if you agree
The summary of DoctorsWAT.CH:
Reminds you to take your medications
Documents the medications you have taken and the reasons for skipping
DoctorsWAT.CH visualizes your compliance by a growing tree